We are holistic engineering firm.

By providing Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Commissioning engineering under one roof we can visualize the challenges and opportunities of your project and streamline communication. We approach the entire building as a system, not separate pieces to be forced together later. 

Instead of oversizing structural, electrical and mechanical systems “just in case,” REG right-sizes for better operating efficiency, reduced construction cost, and to lower the resources consumed by buildings. 

Instead of guessing and oversizing, we do the calculations and get it right. Instead of saying “you can’t do that because we’ve never done it before,” we say, “yes we can.” 

We were among the first engineers of record to promote and design, radiant cooling, night-sky radiation, dedicated outside air systems, ground-source heat pumps, passive cooling towers, solar thermal and solar electric arrays, a variety of advances in strawbale framing systems, and many alternative framing materials.



REG is dedicated to ingenuity in order to develop a sustainable future.



We believe…

in passive solar.

that architects can be our partners in creating exceptional, beautiful, and energy efficient spaces. 

in a sustainable future.

in reducing the resources needed to create and maintain our built environment.